Is your phase indicator going all wacky? Are you pressing the “L” button like it says but it’s not doing anything? I just started experiencing this bug myself, but apparently it’s been around.
If you need to resolve this on a Windows machine, follow this link and look for a solution in the comments from a user named NotSwiss#73097.
To resolve this on Linux when you run MTGA with Lutris, follow these steps…
- Navigate to /home/username/Games/magic-the-gathering-arena
- Open the user.reg file with a text editor.
- Search the file for ShowPhaseLadder
- At the end of the line look for =dword:00000003 and change the last digit at the end to a 1.
- Save the file and close it.
The next time you start your game you should be able to toggle the phase indicator on and off with the “L” button like normal. |